Monday, 28 July 2008


I realised a while ago that I really don't know who reads my blog; I, at first, was under the impression that no one did. I find myself fascinating because I'm an arrogant self-absorbed bitch, but I didn't anyone else shared this sentiment. That actually just translates into, I needed somewhere to write some crap when I got bored and I didn't think anyone else thought anything I had to say was in the slightest bit interesting. Even in person, it's a boarder.
However, this thought came up again when I was thinking about which encounter from my inserts to write about first. I've thought of many I could put in for the first time read, some who may read this, some who may not. I have a friend who made subtle hints for about three hours that he read my blog, something that he clearly found hilarious - the welsh are odd. I could write about him, but I can't see that as fair, I want the stories to have some amount of animosity.
I still don't have one to put up, yet, though. Nothing feels worthy enough to share.
I'll get there, the inner workings of my mind will be revealed a little more. But, hopefully, not loads. I can't have people finding out what a sexual pervert I am, that and I'm actually a complete and utter idiot. Ah, most of you probably knew that anyway.

OH! And I quit my job. I lost a few things this week, it's been... eventful.

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