Sunday, 1 February 2009

The decision

It was like a hard slap in the face; my realisation that I had to step up and actually take responsibility for my life, now. At first it was terrifying... I mean, it still is, but I'm adjusting to it because I know that if I put hard work in now it will all pay off and I'm so excited for the outcome.

In the next few weeks/months I have to...
- call the U.S. embassy and ask about a Visa
- apply to bunac
- learn 3+ (the + is a likely outcome) audition monologues and read the play that each one is from. And know it.
- attend 8 auditions all over the country. And one in Wales.
- practice monologues every day.
- learn and perfect a 45 minute set of songs for Isle of Wight tour (which I will probably try and persuade people to come to)
- learn and perfect three songs for vocals class in and out of college.
- practice singing every day
- finishing details for events management (actual temporary promotions company putting on a gig)
- promote promote promote! (btw, tuesday 28th April, 7:30pm, top floor, Club 8, Guildhall Walk - prices, bands and djs tbc, probably around £3) Oh, yes!
- hand in two improved essays from last year... please, no one of concern read that bit.
- recording sessions
- lose 3stone - no arguing, I don't think I'm fat. I'm not deluded. I just want to be more comfortable with my weight and I have gained SO much in the past two years. Plus, getting all hair cut off would be more favourable with cheek bones and jaw line looking gorgeous and lovely. And visible.

Wow. I've got my work cut out for me.

I freak'n love it. I'm ready.

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