Tuesday, 24 June 2008


I go on holiday to Egypt in about five days. The prospect is terrifying...
I don't even know why, it's holiday; so why am I sort of dreading it? I hate the thought that this, what would normally be, enjoyable situation makes me feel horrible and like it's just a way of killing time before I get to do other stuff this summer. GHEY.

Went to Reg and Route last night with some mates. Was a really good night, Rosie had to leave though, so that sucked. But in Reg before Route I felt weird; going out is now something that is totally normal now. Something that I considered normal but only did occassionally, I now do all the time and it really does give me a very strange feeling; especially when I noticed that I didn't have butterflies of excitement anymore. It's still nice to go out, and I'm sure specific occassions I will get that feeling but still...
But I totally wouldn't mind doing Route regularly because it's full of my friends, cheap alocohol, I've met amazing people and I LOVE DANCING. With Rosie I'll dance to anything but by myself (yeah, shut up) or mainly with the guys I turn into another person; dancing to really heavy stuff that I love. I become one of the guys, which I am anyway, but more so. They get a little conflicted... -one of the guys... but girl dancing!? Confused!!!- Bless them.

I FUCKING MISS PEOPLE. And it's driving me insane.
And they always come up in conversations I have with people. For example, last night, talking about how to define attractive boys and who we knew who was 'classically good looking' and Rosie brought up our mate Charlie who was merely eye candy for a year until I decided I was going to actually talk to him; really nice guy, little arrogant (understatement), and looks a tad like David Tennent. NO! I'm sorry, but I HAD to insist that Liam is overwhelmingly better looking and looks more like David Tennent than Charlie. AND HE'S SCOTTISH! [obsession is slightly worrying] Also, Charlie is WAY to skinny.


Ah, I love you all who I don't get to see these days. You all appreciate me so much more than most of the people I get to see every day.


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