Alex pointed out to me that four hours after I posted my 'Sell Out?' entry, claiming that for the next three posts I would put up a photo as well, I did not follow through with my plans. Even more annyoing thing was that when he began pointing this out to me, he expected me to catch on to what he was getting at. Nope. No clue, never say you're going to do stuff basically - ya don't. If you're me that is. Or a youtuber - either way, you're going to lose. At what? Well, I'm not sure. And now I'm just rambling, but I do rather enjoy a good ramble.
It was Ben's birthday today. Well, I got a lovely phone call during my napping - absolutely exhausted - from Mhairi's phone. Girl on the other end who sounded not much like Mhairi and sniggering in the background. Not only do I not find stuff like that REALLY imature, I also do not see the point or comedic value in it. So when I answered rather dead pan - just got woken up - and then Laura goes, no it's not really Mhairi! They all burst out laughing like it was the most hilarious thing ever, I bet it was Tom's idea. I was like, 'Oh, really?? Couldn't have guessed!'
Seriously, piss off, grow up, stop being such fucking children. Oh, and thanks for reminding me further that I'm not up there where I'd love to be. Yeah, that was a nice little reminder. I hated the fact already that Chris said he was going out with everyone and I felt a weird senstation of *why wasn't I going as well?* This is, obvsiously, a very stupid question but I can't really explain it any more.
THEN they asked for Ben's number. Now, this is all good and well if I knew they were friend's with him, but I don't. As far as I know, he's an aqquaintence that they know off the internet, and it's just a little weird asking for someone's number when I still find it somewhat strange that even I have it. Plus, Ben - for the most part - keeps himself to himself. So, when I objected, saying I didn't want to just randomly give out his number they didn't seem too impressed. Once again, piss off, especially if that's the only reason you're ringing me - not at all cause you'd like to talk to me. Nice.
I did actually text him earlier asking if Mhazz could have it, but only just remembered that I forgot to send it on to her, oh well - she'll survive.
SOOOO unprepared for exam, absolutely shitting myself. Sinead rang, which was lovely. And then Chris rang, and I was all tears and throat closing up, woe is me. But seriously, I will probably fail. Which is lovely.
He did calm me down though, nice little pep talk. I miss him so much... Sinead said should I fail, I can just come live up there, which made me smile a bit.
Anyway, I need to sleep and before that I need to read a play.
Friday, 20 June 2008
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You should sell your fucking phone then if thats how you're going to react everytime someone calls you. Its not like we called you at 3am. It was the afternoon so we weren't exactly going to know you'd be asleep. We weren't trying to rub it in about us hanging out and you seriously can't take the idea of a JOKE. If you're so grown up and sensible, why the hell are you wasting your time bitching about us!
Oh and one more thing; Seriously, piss off, grow up, stop being such a moody cow.
I found this using a feature on google blog search when looking for a blog Mhazz told me someone she didnt know had posted by chance. This of course was not the blog mhazz was directing me to. When i saw your name i thought "Oh anna has a blog! I didnt know" and came to read.
Then i found this.
I know we dont talk heaps Anna, not as much as i will talk to people like mhazz, laura or pj for example. But i still consider you in a way on the talking level of a friend. However. When i saw this, i don't really know what i thought. I was kind of annoyed - partially that i only found it now, and mainly because of the content, i dont know what else i felt but it pretty much built up to me being pissed off.
Now, if i remember correcrlt you had alex with you when i spoke to you the day before as i was heading up with Laura and you seemed fine then.
How were any of us to know you were upset / not as happy about not being able to get up? Honestly this thought didn't even occur as originally it had just been a trip we were making to see Mhairi as we had missed the Glasgow gathering. If we upset you by ringing, i apologize.
However, - "I bet it was toms idea" - Its so nice to see that you think of me instantly as the cause of something you see as being bad to an extent that you will leap and blame me.
We rang to ask for a number to wish happy birthday, you didnt give it, that is fine, and in response to you wondering if that was the only purpose of the call - I think thats how it went in the end, it probably wouldnt have been had you not snapped so quick but its not like there was room for a lovely conversation when the person who jokingly says "its mhairi" recieves a YOUR NOT MHAIRI! back down here ear.
I dont like rambling on as the longer i go on the less sense i make even to myself. So im just going to end it here
"Oh well - she'll survive"
Thats nice and considerate to say in reference to something involving one of your friends isnt it ...?
Im sorry if this offends you at all or in any way Anna, but clearly as you've had to rant about us, i feel i've had to respond in some form, and im not one for creating open drama so im responding here as opposed to making a blog about this ... shit.
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