Thursday, 7 August 2008

a few things.

I applied for the partner programme today.
I used to be very anti it because of the availablity people had to it. They're 'screening process' is bollocks and mostly non-existant. I liked the days when you were only made partner when you truely deserved it, and those few tubers that were partners were BIG. They had worked their way up and earned it. Unless, of course, we're talking about Smosh who simply got their big break for being two hot geeks. Hm, the things girls and creepy men will do for hot geeks.
Anyway, when they introduced the partner programme I swore to myself that I wouldn't sign up until I thought I'd earned it. So, I've gotten to a point where I was in a slight stand still with my videos and I don't like that - signing up to be a partner is part of my 'be more determined' plan. I want to be more determined to make videos, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. And I want to prove that I deserve it, so, for me, it's like a self reward AND and insinctive.

I'm going to the Vlog in the Park tomorrow. About which, I am very excited. I know that this gathering, in which not many people are going to, will be completely different from the others because it's based in a completely different place, with different intentions. So, although some of the aspects will be the same, I hope lots to start a new trend of individuality for gatherings. They're becoming a bit tedious.
Am I the only one who thinks we have too many these days? I mean, I'm all for meeting up, go for it, I'd love to see everyone all the time if I could! But arranging these big events that end up lasting longer and longer is just exhausting, and I hate realising that I can't go. They're always so expensive.

Also, I get to see Alex tomorrow. MEGA YAY.
I miss that boy so much. I'm going up with Drew, check this boy out -->

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