Wednesday, 6 August 2008


Where is the line between someone you've met, friends, more than friends, and a relationship? And when does it become something that you're openly aware of? Most of the time, even if you're aware of a shift in status, the other person may not be. Then there's the lovely knowledge that you're both not going to discuss it.
What about having more feelings for someone than they do for you, or vice versa? Knowing you need to get out but you just can't shake them because either you're far too attached or you love the company and attention. Now, are you hurting yourself and the other person by staying close to them? Yes, probably. The worst part is you know it, so how do you equal the balance? Or, how do you let go without feeling like you've lost something?
Then, there's the lovely question of when can you become friends again after something's happened? I don't know. I never have done, because I want to think that I can be friends with everyone. So, with the other person there is little time of remorse and I simply move right back into friend status. As if nothing ever happened.
This, I've decided, is not a healthy route to go down. But, it's the only one I know. Being awkward and horrible isn't fun so keeping up appearances with smiles and nice gestures seems to be the only way I know how to handle such a situation.

I try to make other people happy. Especially when I know that I'm about to make them unhappy. Salvaging a situation, friendship and someone else's feelings, however, is a very hard thing to accomplish.

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