Tuesday 18 May 2010

love? pfft.

It's no lie to say that when I like someone, I like them a LOT.
Experience has taught me to not let my guard down, ever, and so usually I don't. I'm pretty sure this one is the first one to hit me hard since GC. Because I just haven't cared since then, not really, not enough.

Whenever I let my guard down for even a second, I always get burnt. Whenever I stop putting up a defence between my emotions and my actions it always seems to go completely tits up for me.

So what's better, lovers? Is it worse to have had that love and held on to it, even if you lost it in the end? Or is it worse to have never even experieneced it?

Young though I may be, and stupid as I know it sounds - because, trust me, I do - I have never experienced love(romantic love). And it's made me a complete cynic.

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