Thursday 24 April 2008

For shame

I am completely jumping on the band wagon here. Everyone seems to be starting or already has a blogspot or something similar. I've had loads in the past but never been able to keep them up. I'm sure there's still a few around if people looked hard enough. I know Alex has had one more than four years now, so that's my inspiration - because that's some damn dedication and I want to be able to do the same just so I can look back on these things and remember the things that I've written down.

I'm just in college now, killing some time before my first lesson. I only came in early because it was getting a lift and walking to college would have killed me, I would've just had to come home again; I'm still super tired due to stupid illness. Could my immune system be any crappier? And I have Youtube to blame. That, and my self control, or lack there of...

I just got a text from DanMeets, I feel a real need to call him that now heh, with him saying he'd just woken up and he'd be in college in a bit. I'm well looking forward to meeting him and having, no doubt, stupidly geeky conversations about how we both love Youtube and Mhairi =]] and how we thought we were the only one's in the area.
I know that's a silly thing to think, because there's SO many people on YT, but all the same, because everyone makes themselves so known, I thought I'd have been aware of someone this close to where I am. Coinkidink factor, like, 7?, maybe... We go to the same college, take exactly the same course - except he's part time and I'm full, and have exactly the same lecturer, who he hates and I love ^_^ it's all just a bit weird that I never knew who he was before. But it's nice to know there's someone nearby that gets this big part of me. 'Cause at the end of the day it IS a really big part of me and my life now, as much as I'd like to deny that. Which, to be honest, I wouldn't. And all the friends I've made are priceless. They mean more to me than most of the people I've met in a really long time.

Wow, long one. Gotta shoot! World music calls, which means banging deafeningly large drums and singing Bob Marley. [ftw]


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