Wednesday 30 April 2008

So here's some stuff that happened when Mhairi was down...
We phoned Chris, from my phone, so naturally he should've been all 'oo yay anna!' [in his head, not aloud, Chris isn't like that at all] and found Mhairi on the other end, which confused the poor boy. Then when the phone was passed to me eventually he was all 'ack! Pass me back!'
How rude. Lots of funny moments came about at my house when me and Mhairi would both stop conversation briefly and both sit there, me texting Chris, her texting Dan. It was like three conversations going on all at the same time =]]

We went to this pub called the Registry near me and got very very VERY drunk. It was hysterical. And Mhazz got recognised! Which I'm sure just made her head as big as Dave's [sorry Dave!]. There was some Irish guy sitting with a few of his mates and Mhairi and Dan went to the bar, he called to me and asked me if she was really from Scotland, whether she could play guitar and sing, and whether or not she was on youtube. And then was like, "I know her!!!"
Most. Random. Thing. Ever.
I mean, she's been recognised in and around Glasgow but that's like, her area so it's understandable. Whereas, this is Portsmouth, 1,000 miles away from her and that's just insane and the most out of the blue places to get recognised from the internet ever.
So I run to the bar to tell Mhairi and I'm sure I was just way more excited than she was. I really just wanted everyone who was staring at me wondering why I was laughing and jumping up and down slightly to understand what had just happened. It was actually mental.

On sunday we met up with Tom [RandomProdInc] to film footage for the Portsmouth gathering ((shameless plug that probably noone will read --> 12th July) I will be dead because I will have just gotten back from Egypt) and Ian [iianardo] was supposed to be there too. I kept calling him but his phone was off. Finally he got his bottom down here and we all went to go see Forgetting Sara Marshall. Which is nothing short of comedy genius - I loved it. I also gave mild entertainment for the people in the movie theatre because I'm one of those people who finds really un-funny things hilarious and so, kept laughing at really quiet points of the film. Ian was entertained, sat next to me.
We went back to Reg after this, and Tom and Dan left. So me, Mhairi and Ian enter the pub quiz and when it starts we realise we know NOTHING! None of the answers. Cheated a few times but for the most part we were clueless so we just filled it with random youtube stuff and answers that were taking the questions way too literal. For example:
What does the Jordan River run into? A body of water. [I knew that one though, Dead Sea ^_^]
Where is killamanjaro (sp)? On my Baby Shambles album.
How much is Wayne Rooney worth? Nothing. URGH.
What is the capital of Zimbabwe (sp)? Scotland... Yes, we found that one hilarious. Several different times =DD

OH! It's official... I. Am. Going. To. Glasgow.

For my birthday as well! I'm going on the 27th, which is amazing, day before my birthday. And then come back on the 1st of June. woopwoopwoop. I'm so happy about it. I get to see my ginger scottish boy and gal on my birthday. And Mhairi, whom I love equally, but I would've spent like a week with her by the time she goes back so I kinda miss them more right now. Spesh Sinead, she's like my other half. Bring on the Scottish drinking sessions. And the everyone who stays with Mhairi will be forced to try a drink that we came up with. We named it the Muddy Mhadink. And it's LUSH!

Essay much?

Going to meet Dan in college now.


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