Thursday 24 April 2008

Still dead

So, I'm still totally burned from being ill and didn't quite realise until I got in the car when my mum picked me up at the end of college. I am so tired to the point where two lessons and rehearsals exhausted me and now I'm going to bed just after I've finished this - that's how tired I am!
Which is crappy, because I know Chris will wonder where I am and I well wanted to talk to him tonight. He always knows how to cheer me up.

Dan didn't text me, I was in the courtyard at college, looked up from what I was doing and was just like, 'Dan?' and he turned around and smiled and waved me over. We get on really well, so I'm happy about that - he's lovely! No wonder Mhazz made such a fuss.

I just finished watching some of AmazingPhil's videos. I think I love him ^_^ he's just so funny and clever and cool and... northern.
What is it with me and boys from youtube? Hmm, concerning. But I doubt he'll ever see me as anything more than just a fan girl and, let's be honest, that's exactly what I'm coming across as now anyway. But, oh well!

Funny thing happened to me today...
Simon [whom I happen to have a tiny crush on], one of the music lecturers at college, stopped me just outside the LRC to say hello and I'd already seen him about three times before then. This was our conversation,
Him: "Hello!"
Me: "Hey, you're everywhere! It's weird..."
Him: "Now, you know why that is, really, don't you?"
Me: "You're following me?"
Him: "Yep, I'm obsessed. I follow you everywhere, while I plan terrible, terrible things" *suggested eyebrow raise*
Me: "Is that supposed to scare me?"
Him: "Um.. Maybe. Why?"
Me: "Well, it doesn't really. I'm just slightly excited."

((I know - appalling conversation to have with a lecturer, shame on me. It gets better... or worse. Whatever.))

Later on...
*mouths "you're everywhere!" at Simon when seeing him outside the music block getting into his car*
Him: "What!?" He beckons me over.
Me: "I said you're everywhere... Again."
Him: "Oh, yeah. What're you doing?"
Me: "Nothing."
Him: "Wanna come to my studio with me quick? I forgot something, need to drive back there really quick."
Me: "Yeah, alright." *jumps in car*

Nothing happened!! It was cool. Weird... but cool. We get along far too well.
As soon as I got back, this is what I got from Charlie [idiot stoner boy in class- thinks he's funny. He's not] --> "What did you two do!???" *pelvic thrust*


Anyway, bed bed bed.


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