Friday 25 April 2008


Although it probably would have killed me in the long run of the day, I feel as though I should have stopped sleeping at the point when my body woke itself up automatically. Around quarter to four.
Only because when I woke up, the only thing I wanted to do was stay in that bed and be all warm and, I'm accustomed to being up and filled with energy if I wake up on my own. It just seemed like such a silly time to get up though.

I told mum that I was missing some work, I was hoping she'd take mercy on me and tell me I could not go in... that's not how parents work. I knew that even when asking, but you know, it would've been nice. For once. For her to pleasantly surprise me with, "oh, okay. Well, go back to bed then."
Yeah, I know. Never going to happen.

So, here I am, writing a vlog between getting ready for college and desperately trying to put something together. My theory is, he'll be more pissed if I'm there on time with nothing, than if I'm there late, with something. And so, I decided I'm going to run up to the library and miss a bit of the lesson[frantically trying to make something out of very little].
Why is drama so hard!? And why the hell did I not just do it over the three and half weeks I had off.
[equation time! two weeks for half term + a week before half term because I take a btec + the three days I just had off because I'm ill = three and a half wasted weeks.]

God, I'm good.

Gotta run!


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