Saturday 10 May 2008

So I got a bit distracted with everything that happened.
Plus, I always find myself going online less when I actually see my online friends so having Mhairi around kinda killed this a little. Not in a bad way, I just found myself spending all my time not on the computer.
So, here I am. Completely lacking my online buddies in person, which I love, and so I'm back online all the time. Either that, or on the phone non stop. Chris and Sinead I've been speaking to a lot recently. I think it's because having Mhairi around made me miss them even more, because nearly everyone conversation revolved around them, or youtube or something that I could connect with them. Having her here felt like I had a bit of them here too, so when she left I felt so empty. And I felt as though I'd lost a bit of them too - it was very sad.

I literally cannot stop thinking about Chris. That's slightly sad and I'm not sure whether he'd be happy and think I was cute or think I was being a big girl if he knew that.

Big tall Alex from college likes me. Again. And a lot. Plus he's not subtle about it.
Which is just very conflicting in my head because I think about Chris all the time, even when I'm with Alex and hanging out with him I'm like... *Chrischrischrischris*
I don't want to lead him on, I mean he's nice. He's lovely, he's tall, he's good looking and he doesn't live that far away. We have quite a bit in common, similar friendship groups and loads of other stuff and yet every time I even think about considering what I'd do if he tried to further his affections, I just think about Chris.

Oh goodness, then there's I have to find another job. So, it's goodbye pizza hut and... hello some other place that I'll probably not like as much. Plus, I doubt I'll ever find a better manager than Laurence - which is somewhat upsetting. Ish. Oh god, I'm being over-dramatic.
But yeah, I've got that to worry about. I have to save for my birthday, sort out my tax rebate, pay people back that I'm in debt with, revise LOADS, finish off assignments, rehearse for my gig in June, make sure I have a job before I get back from holiday, blah blah blah blah blah.

OMGosh! Why is actually doing stuff so stressful!? I really don't know how people manage it.

Anna *Chrischrischrischris*

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