Thursday 22 May 2008

Ego boost much?

Seriously, six freak'n days. Five until I board that wonderful (probably not wonderful) plane to Scotland. But only six until my birthday! Awesome.

I got this text from Chris on tuesday:
Davey on the subject of the lack of girls staying over... "Aw, that's rubbish. Still - Coinkidink. She's pretty fit."

This made me smile for the pure fact that Davey is nothing short of gorgeous. Plus he's a Dave, from the two infamous Dave's of youtube. talkwithdave and davefromblueskies - I'm pretty sure anyone would jump for joy if either one of them said they thought you were fit. It made me giggle. Also, yesterday, on the phone, Chris went into more detail of the evening. Apparently after that had been said by Davey, there had been this rather long awkward silence where everyone looked at each other and specifically Chris... I'm shocked at how quiet we've managed to keep me and him. It's not even intentional, people just don't seem to clock on. We're not even that subtle about it.
Chris told me that he told Davey I was off limits. Which I don't think could've made me smile any more, that he got all "SHE'S MINE FUCK OFF!" on his ass. In polite way, of course.
But we have no doubt that despite the warning, Dave probably still will try. Joyjoyjoy.
As much as I love being hit on by attractive gentlemen, drunken ones are entirely different matter. Especially since, in either case, I'd be saying something along the lines of, "Thank you, but no."

Ugh... my group is last for rehearsals. Which is fun.
Means out of my three hours in rehearsals, I don't have to be there for the first two hours and 15 minutes. Boredboredbored.

I want Chris to call me... Hmm. I might give him a buzz, I've got fucking ages so why the hell not.
After that, I'll call Alex - how I love Alex =]]

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