Sunday 25 May 2008

chaos in the hut

I could actually strangle some people.

I will never, ever, again tell my mother to stop yelling at me when she CLEARLY is not.
Today at work this girl Sophie had a go at me a bit for not running my food, she could've just said - "Anna, your food is here, it's been here for a while, can you run it?"
Because the only reason I didn't run it, and often don't hear my name being called is because I have a section on the other side of the restaurant and Zayd doesn't shout anyone's names very loudly. AT ALL.
So, I'm all looking at her kinda like blankly because I seriously don't know what to say to her freaking at me over nothing, and she starts going off on some shit about always running my food. Oh, wait a minute, did I not just mention this? It's because they always give me the section at the back of the restaurant!! You could just inform me nicely that my food needs running. You harsh small person. I then got a bollocking by my manager to watch what I say to people because I may have muttered, "shut up..." under my breath while walking away. Oh, my word, Sophie - get some fucking balls.

THEN, later on, I had to do a birthday shout out; which I'm fine with. I lit the candles, and needed the music to be turned down before I went out there and I said to the entire population of the bar (mainly Sophie because she was right next to the switch), "can someone dim the music for me?"
No one answered so I just said, "No? Okay then. I think it's alright anyway." There was a tinge of sarcasm but it involved a light hearted chuckle to indicate I obviously didn't really give a shit whether they did or not, actually I found their ignoring me quite amusing. But, Sophie was all, and I am SO NOT joking....
"Oh my god, stop yelling at me!!!" Like, actually screamed at me to stop yelling at her. Irony?
Do I, at this point, have the right to stab someone? Because I think I really should. Some one that annoying, with that high pitched a voice just does not deserve to live anymore.

MY WORD. Some one give that girl a muzzle, or something.
Thank the Lord I'm leaving that place.



Ginger Chris said...

if a six foot, uniformed woman with a cake on fire came walking up to my table singing happy birthday, I would probably cry with fear.

coinkidink said...

Yes, but what are you? Oh, yes, a little girl.