Monday 2 June 2008

Absence makes the heart...

grow fonder?
Well, that's lovely. 'Cause it's fucking breaking mine. I'm pretty sure that if that little phrase had never come about I wouldn't consider how much it's killing me that gc is so fucking far away. Which is, of course, bullshit, but it makes me feel better knowing that I can blame it on a stupid phrase. Despite all our affection towards each other, people still don't seem to realise that when we argue, for the most part, we're just kidding around; we have a special kind of relationship. My word, he does have quite a large affect on me.
He came to the airport with me, otherwise I would've been on my own, which I thought was really sweet of him =] and it said my flight was delayed until 9 when it was supposed to be at 8:40, so we're happily whiling away the time and suddenly it was half past, I jump up to check if it's changed at all and it was on time again! So I had ten minutes to get to the gate. It was horrible because it felt like we had no real goodbye, I just had to go. I watched him walk up the stairs as I went towards departures, he was doing very well at not looking back at me. I walked through and starting tearing up just before the woman told me I couldn't take through my un-opened bottle of strawberry flavoured water through, she then noticed I was crying and was hugely apologetic. Bless, I let her know through quiet sobs that that wasn't the reason I was weeping, put her mind at rest a little.

Right, something that's been bugging me for a while; it's not that I read anyone else's blog in hopes that they may mention me, because it's not. And I do not, by any means, think that I'm on people's minds enough for them to think to mention me anyway, BUT it really does bug the hell out of me that Alex is all Mhazz this Mhazz that, blah de fucking blah. All the time. I mean, she's amazing, yes, and I understand that they're very good friends but we're good mates too and he's hung out with me too over this past week - which never happens! Because, and I can't believe I'm about to write this, when I'm not around and if I don't prompt it first, he forgets about me. At least, that's what it feels like.

I hate the accents around here. They actually sound just horrible.
And now I really miss the Scottish accent, strange to me but lovely sounding in comparison to the Portsmouth accent. And it's not even like I have one, so everyone I was with over the week has completely the wrong idea of what it's like because I have this horribly posh neutral accent with my strange little drawl of American every now and then.

I said 'Aye' in response to someone earlier. Good lord, I am so easily affected by these things.

Right, I just checked. I can blame Thomas Haynes Bayly for the phrase "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" in a poem he wrote called Isle of Beauty in 1844. Bastard. Stupid romantic shit...

You can get flights to Glasgow for like £30, where the fuck was I paying SO MUCH?

ALSO!! My parents bought me a laptop, with a webcam, and wifi =DD Yay yay yay. Best birthday yet.


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