Sunday 22 June 2008

The List

Things to do during the summer:
- buy at least five new cds
- get another tattoo
- fill up my ipod with songs (just bought - get it in a couple of days)
- go somewhere on my own
- have an amazing time in egypt with jem
- go to liquid for the first time
- see Chris and Sinead and EVERYONE at least twice
- go to the upstaged supermegaawesomereally HUGE youtube gathering
- try and find an acting job
- have/go to a beach party
- go to Sin City with Rosie
- make ammends with Brandon and regain our friendship
- come back to God
- apply for SG and then look into it further if accepted
- stare at the stars with someone
- try and go to soul survivor so as to not break my tradition
- try and decide vaguely on a uni without just the want of being closer to Scotland

I may add more, but that's the list so far.
I want to get some things done this summer and these are them.



John said...

If you don't manage to trek up to Glasgow I'll be down in peterborough the first week of july if you'd like/are able to come up. I'm planning on meeting a few of the peepz while im down there.

coinkidink said...

John, it's not exactly close.
Come to Portsmouth! DO IT

John said...

:( I know but its a lot closer than glasgow!

Im there long enough so I might do. can see tom and ian aswell I guess :)

John said...

Also, when are you back from holiday?